Aurora Store

Aurora Store

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Aurora Store is a Yalp Store fork with enhanced features.

Aurora Store is a modified version of Yalp Store available on freedown, offering the same features but with a more sophisticated and user-friendly design. Despite being a forked app, Aurora Store essentially functions the same way as Yalp Store, allowing users to download APKs from Google Play without needing a Google Play account. Similar to Google Play, Aurora Store provides detailed information about apps, including descriptions, screenshots, updates, and user reviews. Users can easily download APKs directly to their devices with a simple tap. Additionally, the app enables users to search for older versions of apps using the version code. In addition to downloading apps, Aurora Store offers convenient features for managing already installed apps. Users can check for updates, prevent certain apps from updating, and choose whether to automatically delete APKs after installation or keep them on the device. Overall, Aurora Store serves as a versatile app that fulfills two main functions: facilitating the download of virtually any APK from Google Play and providing tools for managing installed apps. The app boasts an elegant and intuitive interface, making it a compelling option for users.

Frequent questions

How big is the Aurora Store APK?

The Aurora Store APK is less than 6 MB, making it a very light app. This number does not include the size of the apps you might download from the tool itself, which will need extra space.

Is Aurora Store free?

Yes, Aurora Store is completely free and can be downloaded directly from freedown. Both the APK download and in-app downloads are free.

How safe is Aurora Store?

Aurora Store is a safe app. freedown and VirusTotal's security report states that 62 antivirus softwares indicate that the APKs are adware-free. These files are analyzed periodically.

How do I install Aurora Store?

To install Aurora Store, you can download both the latest and any other APK version from freedown. Download is also available from its own Git.

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